City of Angels

City of Devils......

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Dark City


January 2nd, 2015

lost cause?

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It didn't take as long as I 'd thought it would for us to get to Oklahoma,but I guess that's one of the perks of taking the company jet. Once we were off the jet and in a rental car,I looked over at Wes as we started driving towards Lindsey's address. "You know I 'm right there's no way in hell we can get him to agree to come back with us. Hell we 'll be lucky if he doesn't stake us on sight or set us on fire or something. This isn't going to go well for us and it's a waste of time, but you were right the firm won't let this go anytime soon so we might as well give it a shot.

When we get there though maybe you should stay in the car for a few minutes, while I try talking to him okay? " I just figured we had a bit of history together so I had a very slim chance of getting through to Lindsey.

September 3rd, 2012

New Assignment

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It didn't take long at all until Wolfram & Hart came calling again. I had somewhat hoped that they would forget about us, or at least not be able to come up with some sort of assignment, but it seems that hope was in vain. At least now they couldn't hold something as silly over us like a soul. No contracts to sign or anything messy like that.

We came in and waited in the bloody office again, wondering when someone would show up and either try to kill us or give us something to do. "What do you think it is?" I asked Lilah while we waited. "The assignment? Think it will be anything really interesting, or just a way to keep tabs on us?" 

January 4th, 2012


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A few days after our night out Wolfram and Hart had managed to track me down finally. They called this morning.I got put through to the new boss.I talked to him for a few moments then hung up. Once I'd hung up with him I went to shower and change. After that was finished I found Wes. "Wes?" I'm interested in finding out what the firm wants with me now that I don't have a soul.

June 15th, 2011

Causing Chaos

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After getting Lilah a REAL meal, the next thing on our list was...alright, I didn't have a bloody list of what we should do. That was part of the fun of being newly liberated, though. We didn't HAVE to have a list of things to do anymore. It was something that I loved about being a vampire, already. Nothing that I had to do, anymore. Nothing that I had to worry about. It was all about having fun now.

Pulling Lilah out of the club that she had found her meal and eaten in, leaving the boy propped up like he was sleeping off a drink (funny to me), I looked at her with a grin. "So, what would you like to do next, love? Set fire to Angel's car? Take out a rival at work? Hm?"

August 8th, 2010

New world?

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When I first started to wake up it took a few moments to fully realize what had happened to me. It all came back in a rushing flood of memories. I had gotten a visit from Wes and found out that he was a vampire,things after that start to get fuzzy though. I slowly sat up and noticed that all my senses were ramped up tenfold. I looked around,but didn't see Wes anywhere.

I got up off the bed and went into the bathroom to check myself in the mirror,only to find that I didn't have a reflection anymore. I came out of the bathroom and quickly discovered I was starving. I know that he turned me and I really wish he hadn't,but I guess it's too late now. I changed out of the blood stained clothes, showered and was sitting on the bed to wait for my 'sire'.
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July 26th, 2010

Interesting Times

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It's amazing how one wrong assumption can completely change your life. It had already happened to me once with Connor, and now it had happened to me again with Angel.

I had pulled up Angel from the ocean, Justine was still shouting at me from behind, and I had realized that the jars of blood that I had brought to revive him weren't enough to bring him back from the brink. Of course, I couldn't feed him Justine. Not that I cared about her or anything, but she hadn't exactly been well taken care of in the past few months that I'd had her as a prisoner, so she wouldn't make a fitting meal, either.

So, I slashed my arm to feed him. What I didn't count on was, even in his weakened state, he could still overpower me. When I tried to pull away, he grabbed a hold of me and pinned me down to the floor of the boat. The last mortal memory I had was him tearing into my throat and Justine screaming, although her voice sounded far away.

When my eyes opened, I quickly realized what had happened. Angel had not only made a meal out of me, but had embraced me right afterward. Justine was still cringing in a corner of the boat. I was right about one thing: she had barely made a meal fit for an animal, much less something such as what I was now. I'm not sure if Angel embraced me as some sort of revenge or if he had done it out of remorse for killing me, but I can't help but feel glad now.

I went back to my own home, since it was close to dawn when I awoke. I suppose I was lucky to wake up then, instead of just sleeping right through the sunrise, but I think vampire senses would have prevented that. I went back to my apartment and huddled in the dark. I hope to be able to hunt once the sun sets, but a knock at my door tells me that take out may have just arrived.
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