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Vincent Kartheiser - 285 icons [09 Sep 2010|11:35pm]
[ mood | relieved ]


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons. Seriously, do it. I spent a lot of time on these, even the ones that don't look like it!

Vincent Kartheiser should never be allowed to do his own hair. He may be more daunting to a tailor since Mad Men started, but I'm not convinced he knows which end of a hairbrush is which.

This guy makes great expressions, though you don't get as wide a range here as you would from proper tv/movie caps... but alas, when you choose to icon an actor looking scruffy who never actually looks scruffy in any of his roles, you kind of take what you can get. Luckily, I found some interview videos. I've got to say, Vincent interviews really well. I think he's kind of pretentious and amoral, but dang is he witty. Every sentence from his mouth is a great quote. I think he makes up funny things to say in interviews and then finds ways to work them into whatever's being talked about.

I'm pretty sure I'll be iconing him again, but probably not for awhile! :)

There's nothing tragic about Dick Cheney. )

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