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Caroline Dhavernas - 195 icons [15 Aug 2009|09:29pm]

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Running Home is a fantastic movie, and I wish I could find it on DVD. It is, however, available on Amazon.com if you're willing to watch it on the Amazon website. I made these icons the old-fashioned way, from printscreen caps, because I loved Caroline's role so much, and because it's freakin' impossible to find anything of her this young. She was 19/20 when it was filmed, and plays a 16/17 year old.

You're not the first teenager to have it bad for an older woman. )
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Daniel Anthony - 50 icons [15 Aug 2009|09:29pm]

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Such a cute kid. I could find one other set of him on IJ, but there's a lot mixed in on this lj community, if you want more variety.

I have never seen this show, to be honest. )
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