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Brooke Fraser - 190 icons [10 Feb 2007|05:41pm]

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I won't find what I am looking for if I only see by keeping score )
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Colin Greenwood - 176 icons [10 Feb 2007|05:42pm]

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I mean, I'm in a band, we're reasonably successful, I've got a very nice suit - I'm not even a bad person - so why can't I get a shag? )

I felt bad iconing his brother and not him. While I was doing these, though, I was struck with the amusing idea of using him for a youngish Rodolphus Lestrange - with Jonny as Rabastan, of course. If nothing else you'd have the familial resemblance part covered!
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