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Icons, icons, tra la la

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Missy Higgins - 324 icons [26 Jan 2007|03:26pm]
A lot of these are poorer quality than the other Missy icons I made. That's because 1. those were all from the same source, and these were all pulled from wherever the heck I could find more pictures, and 2. I actually made a lot of these long before the others. I figure the range of expressions more than makes up for the poorer quality of the images, though, so... here they are.

And now that I've broken my rule of never giving disclaimers (since I tend to want a disclaimer for everything), I'm going to shut up and post these dang things.


Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

I'm split in two, I'm half me half you, but I hate us both, don't you? )
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Christina Cox - 150 icons [26 Jan 2007|03:33pm]

Credit [info]sassylime or [info]xcons.

Who, me? Obsessed with short hair? )
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[ viewing | January 26th, 2007 ]
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