X-Men: The Fluff [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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[Nov. 30th, 2008|12:56 am]
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Who: Surge and Open!
When: Friday, September 21, 2007
Where: Around [Starting at the institute and may move elsewhere]
What: Surge being bored.
Status: In Progress.
Rating: TBD
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Kitty and Shiro Learn Stuff [Nov. 4th, 2008|08:11 am]
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[mood |geeky]

WHO: Kitty Pryde and Shiro Yoshida
WHERE: Library X Mansion
WHEN: 10 Jan 2010
WHAT: Kitty and Shiro study
STATUS: Incomplete

Shiro and Kitty have the meeting of the minds )
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A night out! What a concept. [Nov. 1st, 2008|04:08 pm]
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Who: Aurora, tag Sunfire and Quicksilver
Where: Bar/club in Manhattan
When: Friday night, January 8, 2010
What: Blowing off some steam. And getting drinks.
Status: Incomplete
Rating:  PG-13 

Aurora wanted a night out, and that's what she was going to have. )
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Plotless Food Time [Oct. 21st, 2008|04:30 pm]
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[mood |annoyed]

Who: Sunfire and Wild Child
When: 13 November 2008
Where: Kitchen
What: After some independent kendo practice, Shiro worked up more than just a sweat, but an appetite. Wild Child interrupts.
Status: Finished
Rating: G

Shiro worked up an appetite. But who knew his Asian cooking would attract people )
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