X-Men: The Fluff [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[ website | X-Men: The Aftermath RPG ]
[ userinfo | insanejournal userinfo ]
[ archive | journal archive ]
[ in character | x_aftermath_x ]
[ backdates | x_flashblack_x ]
[ ooc | x_ooc_x ]

[Oct. 9th, 2008|01:19 am]


Hey folks! This community is officially open! :) The description in the userinfo reads: This community is a sister site of [info]x_aftermath_x and features characters (both canon and original) from the X-Men universe. Members: Feel free to post fluff, smut, pr0n, straight-up plotless humor, whatever you want. The purpose of this community is so we have a place to thread and post unnecessary pieces that don't progress the plot of the main game. Guilt-free fluff section: we got it right here.

Please don't forget to label threads and use tags! Have fun.

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