X-Men: The Aftermath Backdates - March 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 27th, 2008

[Mar. 27th, 2008|08:06 pm]
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Who: Northstar and Polaris
When: June 2007
Where: 5th Avenue, New York City
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

Jean Paul stepped out of the taxi and turned around to help his companion out onto the street. The last year or so had been harsh on those who called Xavier's home. The school itself was a depressing place to be as most of the staff and students were trying to deal with the events at Alcatraz and just before. So, Jean Paul had come to the decision that he needed to get out of there or risk being dragged down into his own deep depression. Inviting Lorna, his chocolate drinking/ late night chatting buddy, to remake their wardrobe in a massive shopping extravaganza seemed like just the ticket. Probably pick up some lunch and maybe even dinner before heading back to the mansion. He would even cover the meals, after all he still had plenty of money from the old days.
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