May 24th, 2010

[info]sspeedster in [info]wrldscolliderpg

Who: Kara and Remus
What: Exploring/Getting into trouble
Where: Around the estate
When: Morning
Warnings: Bored punk girl with superspeed, need I say more?

Isn't this place so nice and clean? Let's fix that. )

[info]hooded_bandit in [info]wrldscolliderpg

Who: Robin and Lily
What: Entering the world
Where: A park near town and in town
When: early afternoon
Warnings: None so far

I don't think I'm in Sherwood anymore )

[info]ex_rachel_ro669 in [info]wrldscolliderpg

Who: Raven and Open
What: Entering the world
Where: Somewhere in town
When: afternoon probably
Warnings: None so far

I blame you Beastboy )

[info]i_find in [info]wrldscolliderpg

RP: This wasn't New York

Who: Jaime, Mal
What: Arrival
Where: Somewhere nearish the campus
When: Now. Right now? Now.
Warning: Jaime has a mouth. And she likes to use it to swear

Well, it was a nicer neighborhood ... )