May 24th, 2010

[info]i_find in [info]wrldscollideooc


Hi, I am Halo. I'm bringing in two canons (Lily Evans on [info]emerald_fire, Astrid Hofferson [info]astridhofferson, from How to Train Your Dragon)

Lily is 19, just prior to becoming a Potter, so she doesn't know yet about all the bad things that shall happen to her and her not-yet-conceived son.

Astrid is one year post-movie. She is a Viking and sort of tough-as-nails sort of chick.

I also have Jaime Davies on this journal. She's a mutant (though not from the X-men verse) with the ability to find things known to exist.

I will come when called and play with anyone 'cause that's just how I roll.

I am sadly at work right now which means my post setups will have to wait 'til I get home. Boo. I do, however, have a blackberry for tags. And ooc intros. That I'm using right now.

Am very excited to start playing though.

[info]wrldscollidemod in [info]wrldscollideooc

Today is the day when portals officially begin opening up and spitting people into this world HOORAY!!!

I'll be online as much of this week as possible in case there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Also, please go ahead and make introductions here in the OOC so that everyone can get acquainted with each other. I'll make an actual player introduction here in a moment as well.

Hope everyone has fun!

[info]sspeedster in [info]wrldscollideooc

I know I have introduced myself to most of you already, but what's the harm in doing it again right?

My name is Lee, I am the primary moderator of this community. I have two characters right now, Kara Langly and Robin of Locksley(BBC's Robin Hood).

Kara is a somewhat hyperactive girl with superspeed. She is very sweet so feel free to get to know her and plot with her as much as you want.

Robin is a very fun loving guy who will probably wind up flirting with many of the women because I am bringing him in at the end of season 1, so he and Marian have not actually admitted they love each other yet.

I look forward to playing with all of you.

[info]dawn_of_stars in [info]wrldscollideooc

hello every1!!!

ih my name is brittany. i am playing very arty , silly, fan-girl . no powers or craziness cause this is my first time so be gentle with me :) i look forward to make lot of new friends!

[info]tamethewolf in [info]wrldscollideooc

Hi everyone! My name is Allison and I am late, but here xD

I'll be bringing Remus Lupin here from Harry Potter. He is 21 and will be coming from the time just after good old Voldy killed James and Lily, so pardon him if he's a bit unstable for a while.

I am suuuper pumped to be here, as it's been a while since I've been able to be a part of a roleplay game. Hit me up with any plot ideas you might have!

I'm not on often, but my AIM is macadamia pancake if you ever want to get in contact with me. My email is in this guy's app as well.

Peace. Excited to be here :)

[info]accordingtoplan in [info]wrldscollideooc


I am late to the party, but that is typical. I tend to have erratic sleeping hours.

Haiiii! My name is Mandy and I am also bringing in two canons for the moment, Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly / Serenity on this journal ([info]accordingtoplan) and Hiccup Haddock III from the movie How To Train Your Dragon on [info]rawvikingness. Both are from just after their movies take place and are going to be very confused to be here.

Hiccup is bringing along his pet Dragon, Toothless who will be mostly NPCd. Toothless cannot fly without Hiccup's aid because he's missing part of his tail, and is very, very friendly to most people, unless they're mean to Hiccup, in which case he will eat them alive

Bios should be in their respective profiles. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)

[info]ex_rachel_ro669 in [info]wrldscollideooc

Hello hello everyone! I'm Sarah and I am super glad to be back playing an rpg!!

I'll be playing Raven from the Teen Titans cartoon, and I noticed there is someone playing Mammoth so that should be lots of fun :)

Anyone who wants to plot or anything with my gothic girl here just let me know :)

[info]wrldscollidemod in [info]wrldscollideooc

One more thing. Will and I discussed this for a while and decided to do it in the end. Character limit has been increased to 4.

[info]baran_flinders in [info]wrldscollideooc

Hi everyone glad to see all the new faces.

I am Will and I will be playing Mammoth from the teen titans cartoon and Dr. Will Break an original character. If anyone wants to use them in there plot for the game let me know and I will be happy to make your day.

I am also an helper mod. If you can't contact Lee feel free to find me.

July 2010

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