Original Fic Writing Workshop

ederyn posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]ederyn
Date: 2008-11-13 12:02
Subject: Ooooh!
Security: Public

If you haven't heard of Authonomy or WEbook yet, (and I hadn't), you might want to check them out. Authonomy is run by HarperCollins as a means of finding new talent worth publishing. You upload 10,000 words of your novel for the public to read and they vote on it. The top five manuscripts go to the editors for review each month to determine whether they're worth publishing.

WEbook is roughly the same, although you can post unfinished work there and have other writers contribute to it, and they seem to encourage collaborative efforts. If your manuscript gets enough votes from the public, WEbook will publish it and you get 50% royalties.

In both cases you'll get plenty of constructive criticism, and the only people who can review or vote on them are other registered users, so you don't have to worry about random flaming.

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ederyn posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]ederyn
Date: 2008-11-11 16:49
Subject: Publishers and Resources
Security: Public
Tags:publishers, writing tips

No, I'm not back at IJ yet. But I set up an asylum filter so I can visit my comms while avoiding the pompous proselytizing about the election still going on in my flist. Yayzors! That being said, I stumbled upon a couple things that might be helpful to anyone at the editing stage of their novels. One is an editing forum recently set up at the NaNo site here with some helpful remarks. If you have an account there, you might want to join the discussion. Another is a RedRoom.com contest where you can win a $2,000 professional editing consultation for free just by signing up and creating a blog. Full contest rules are here. This was an eye-opener for me, as I didn't know you could get paid 2 grand just for three hours of sifting through someone's book. Doh! And apparently you don't need a license or anything to do it, simply a desire to.

If it wasn't so painful to wade through other people's work so much of the time I'd totally go into business for myself! )

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September 2009