Original Fic Writing Workshop - December 27th, 2008

Arabian Princess posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]writing_101 (posted by [info]woodlandelf)
Date: 2008-12-27 14:00
Subject: Help?
Security: Public

Does anyone know if I get a free proof from CreateSpace, does that count as getting it published? Even if I don't ask them to sell it? I bet it does, but I wish I could get my free proof and still be able to shop around for a publisher. Well, I don't know if my novel will even be ready by June 1, 2009, anyway. XD

That leads to my other question. Is anyone willing to help me with a small dilemma? I actually just need someone willing to help me hash out problems I have with my novel. (And this will be over time, so consider it "full time." ^_~ I thought I had [info]cozzybob, but then her RL went all topsy-turvy, and I'd really like someone who likes my plot and can get on AIM (or another messenger) fairly frequently to talk it out - once a week or so will be fine.)

Thank you! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Joyous Kwanzaa! Happy New Year! +Anything-I-Missed

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September 2009