Original Fic Writing Workshop - November 8th, 2008

User: [info]writing_101 (posted by [info]lanternsdance)
Date: 2008-11-08 15:13
Subject: Help?
Security: Public

Hey all,


Sorry for just stumbling in blindly without lurking for a bit as I normally do but I was wondering if I could get a bit of help. I’m working on a longer, more complexed, story then I normally am and would very much like to get on going with it. However, I’m having some difficulty connecting what, exactly, a reader would know from the first ‘chapter’. As most of you know, the building and lead up of a story is very important (second to characterization in my opinion) and if I can’t see what other’s are seeing I just don’t feel like I can continue.

I’ve also had a tendency to ramble at people so finding a couple of people I know won’t temper crit for me and haven’t read the story already has been…difficult.

So, I’d love concrit—but I do have a more specific question of “what do you know” from this chapter?

I’m going to swing through some of the previous posts this evening and try to respond to some people’s things (I would feel awkward just swinging in if I didn’t) and sorry for such an abrupt introduction!


Note: I’m all for strong concrit—rip the thing apart if you please (a little sugar helps the medicine go down, but I’d rather get the meds now then later ^^ thanks)


Title: A Quiet Manor: Part One
Rating: Over all: R—PG-PG-13 for this part
Word Count: 2,800
Warning: slavery (indentured servitude), bastardization of Scandinavian mythology, dark fantasy
Summary: Set loosely in the time just after the conversion of a pagan society to Christianity, a young man in the middle of priest training finds himself gambled away and indentured to a battle weary general.



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September 2009