Original Fic Writing Workshop - October 28th, 2008

Mot posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]writing_101 (posted by [info]motley_sis)
Date: 2008-10-28 08:47
Subject: Attention to all Writers
Security: Public
Tags:writing tips

For this shameless advertisement, I am directing you to my journal...

In short: it's a call to writers to buy books (fiction or books on writing) to help a fellow writer get her house ready for winter. If you are not eager in starving your wallet any more than it already is (believe me, I know), some links in my entry may still be of interest to you, as they take you to writing sites (one writing community, and one site bulging with brilliant writing articles and workshops that are free-for-all).

Thanks for reading! (^-^)/

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my journal
September 2009