See Them Write - May 9th, 2008

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May 9th, 2008

01:38 pm - Crazy Goals - Go!
With shameless stealing from the other members who posted before me ^^;;

Word Count Goal: 900 words per day, miniimum, or 7000 words per week if I miss a day
Muses: Oh hai I see what u did thar!

Furthermore, I have a goal of completing at least 4 fanfics and the planning for one original novel in each of the next three months, including this one. Yes, that means I have three original novels I'm planning >.< I'm not sure which one I'm actually going to write first. The novels are as follows:

- Keystone Gathering (1st draft complete, but I need to do a tonne of world building that I neglected to do before, so I can get to work on revisions)
- The World
- The Sleep of Death

Theoretically, I'll finish the planning for these in reverse order and start writing either World or Sleep before the deadline. Which is...

Deadline: August 31, 2008

It occurred to me that I'm starting law school in September, which will probably force a revision of my daily goal. So I might as well make that the deadline.

Problems I foresee and possible solutions:
Like anyone else, I do have days that don't go the way I want, and so I miss my goal for that day. April...was a month like that, and my average output was like 300 words :( I'm hoping that I won't run into any other months like that, because quite frankly it wasn't a matter of laziness. In any case, I'm also hoping that having a weekly goal that supports my daily goal will help out in that. If I miss a day, I just know that I not only have to make up for it but do a little extra, but that if I do that I'm still meeting my goals. If I've written lots early in the week, it also gives me the chance to take a day off if I choose.

I'm also the kind of person who joins things to 'keep me honest' and then doesn't actually post. Sometimes I don't post because I'm cheating and feel ashamed. Other times I don't post because things are going so well that I don't feel the need. I hope that seeing other people post will keep me going, and I also hope that I'll take the opportunity I'm given and ask for help if I need it.

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