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[31 May 2009|10:40am]
Hey everyone! This is my first and only girl, Emilee. She's 19, and just recently offed herself so she's very knew. She was from the Upper East Side of New York. She had bulima/anorexia nervosa, and that kind of led to her killing herself. She died from pill popping, downing a handful of muscle relaxers and chasing them with vodka. Her home was on the Upper East Side, where the privileged reside. She'd spent more money than most people had seen in their lives, but that didn't used to be enough for her. She used to have aspirations. She wanted to be a neurologist; a brain surgeon or something. She was going to go to Medical school, one of the Ivy Leagues, but once her Eating Disorder started, in her Junior Year at High school, that all pretty much fell apart. Her family life was good, and really she should have had no reason to kill herself. If you want to know the whole story, you can go in her journal and read the app. She's straight. She tends to be a little on the snobbish side. She'd always making fun of people; it helps her to think better of herself. She can be very outspoken, but on rare occasions she is passive. She takes everything to heart. Promiscuity is common with her. She loves for people to tell her how they can't resist her and that she is beautiful, that they need her. She works as a waitress at a restaurant. Oh, and she's a little boy crazy. Even in limbo. If you want to plot, just say! I need friends/enemies/some one to be besotted with, anyone!
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