March 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

If anyone hears a lot of noise from me place, don't worry about it. I got a good deal on supplies and I'm playing with said supplies.

Look at me being a productive member of society.

Also if you need anything fixed, I got it. And I'm damn good.

Will work for money and/or whiskey, depending on the job.



[No Subject]

Goodness. My the patterns for clothing are so much different than back at home. Really, I did not think that things changed all that much, but I was quite wrong. I am quite enjoying it though, it feels like learning a brand new set of skills. It's rather fun, though I don't suppose I'll be making a ton of clothing. Mostly, it's just a lot of mending jobs. Which is more than all right with me. It gives me a chance to really get a feel for things rather than starting from scratch. My employer doesn't even seem to mind so much that I hum as I go. Or that I spent my entire break looking through her button collection. She is a rather lovely person, I must say. She sort of reminds me of my mother in a way.

Anyway, I do hope you all are having a lovely day. Or as close to one as you can have at least. Might frost over tonight so if any of your Valerian is starting to come up, make sure to put a sheet over it. Wouldn't want it to get shriveled up. Oh, I do hope someone is looking after my garden at home.