The Wormho's Wing's Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in The Wormho's Wing's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, June 13th, 2007
    8:39 pm
    Gee, it sure is quiet around here.

    What is your favorite popscicle flavor? How many pets did you have growing up? What reading material do you have in your bathroom?

    1. Lime

    2. Between the time I was born and went to college, we had four dachshunds, one german shepard, three side of the road dogs, four hamsters, and one cat.

    3. Fic, of course. And then some Horse Journals and some stuff on the Myers-Briggs Personality Types.

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: frogs croaking
    Monday, June 4th, 2007
    7:33 pm
    You know who we haven't heard from lately? Michael Shanks. Anyone else know if he updated his blog lately?

    Current Mood: Bored
    1:38 pm
    I figured I should have some kind of welcome message for you all.

    Welcome to the Wormho's (or Wormhos') wing of the Asylum! It's sort of our little home away from our LJ home. It can be more if that's what people want.

    This is just meant to be sort of a central information place for us. Everybody's got posting access, etc. once approved.



    Current Mood: busy
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