Worlds Apart OOC Community

September 2019

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August 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

This is Lexi with Number 2!

Meet Astrid. She's a werewolf, member of the Hunt pack. She's been a little MIA recently thanks to being in prison >.<. Okay, it wasn't her fault. The guy was getting handsy with this girl who didn't want it and he wasn't taking the hint. She had to do something. Just... kinda... did more than she should have. Yea...

She's natively from Boulder City, Nevada. Real white trash sort of upbringing. Parents were shit. She became semi-famous for 15 min as a victim of a werewolf attack. Also a nice PSA for why you don't hang out in a were's territory on a full moon. Drunk recent high school grads... Her parents disowned her after that and her Uncle reached out- also having been disowned for being a werewolf.

She used to bar tend at Midnight (might again if they'll rehire her... though considering it was one of their patrons she beat up...). She also has been known to fight in Tooth and Nail a time or two. For someone so short she really is a firecracker waiting to go off. Always some sort of energy bubbling to the surface, typically anger.

Astrid is being released from prison and looking to... well... get back to life.

I know she has a lot of connections with her pack, always up for talking backstory and stuff with some peeps. Friends, enemies, etc. all welcome.