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Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

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    Templar Knight Mysteries
    I've recently become obsessed reading a series of mysteries that follow a Templar Knight. These books are by Maureen Ash. Has anyone else been reading them?

    I have a thing for mysteries in an historical setting. I think another aspect that attracts me is that there's not a romantic interest in sight. (Of course the last few books with Templars I've read have been from the romance genre so those poor knights had no hope of keeping to their vows.) I keep wondering how this series flew under my radar for so long. There are real historical figures that feature in the books too.

    The list of books out so far in case anyone is interested:
    The Alehouse Murders
    Death of a Squire
    A Plague of Poison
    Murder for Christ's Mass
    Shroud of Dishonor

    I've just started reading Murder for Christ's Mass and have to say that, in my honest opinion, the books have been getting better with each installment.

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