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Monday, September 6th, 2010

    Time Event
    They never drink... wine.
    I've really been in the mood for reading vampire books as of late. I had a lot of fun reading Bloodsuckers: The Vampire Archives Vol. 1 and found some new stories to obsess over. Yes, I did read Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter earlier this year. It was a very pleasant surprise that I enjoyed it so well. I would like to own it at some point.

    My current read is The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. Really been enthralled by this one. Anyone else read it?

    Some books that I have on my library queue are Blood Oath and Vampyres of Hollywood. I look forward to getting my hands on those titles.

    Anyone have any good vampire books they can recommend?

    Current Mood: crazy

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