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Thursday, January 17th, 2008

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    Alexandre Dumas
    The Three Musketeers was something I enjoyed in high school. After finding the sequels at a new and used bookstore I've been reading them a lot lately. I'm in the middle of The Man in the Iron Mask right now. I'm missing a few of the volumes before this point, but I do enjoy the story regardless (and there was a brief overview of what happened earlier so I'm not entirely lost). It is quite different from the movie, which I've loved and watched many times. Since finishing Twenty Years After I have finally decided on a favorite character and dearly adore Raoul.

    My earlier purchases also inspired me to read The Count of Monte Cristo last year. That was a wonderful read. After finishing the book it's one of those titles that simmered in the back of my mind long after closing the book and the more time which passed, the more I realized how much I loved it. My growing obsession eventually compelled me to purchase The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte that turned out to be one of my favorite books as well. In order to keep my TBR pile from growing any larger it took a great amount of will to keep from buying a few more Dumas volumes to add to my collection when I last visited Borders. I'm confident that my resolve will break if I get within reach of them again.

    Does anyone else like Dumas? What is your favorite book by him?

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