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Cheshire Crossings : OOC

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Hasta la Vista, bbs. [23 Jul 2010|03:23am]

[ mood | suck it ]

Heya folks.  Most of you don't know me.  That's fine.  That's because I encountered a massive case of Real Life DNW and went on hiatus way back during the Stone Age.  I have to say, I adored this place, and I've only been on hiatus for so long because I didn't want to admit to myself that my muses were dead and that I had to drop eventually.

That being said, I think this would be a marvelous time to officially drop my characters, Kankurou [[info]marionetic] and Angel [[info]littleslugger].  I can't say that I know... anything at all that's been going on in this place in the past few months, but I do know how things were when Cheshire initially reopened.  Elizabeth, whom I have only ever known as a magnificent mod, responded to apps within hours of them being submitted.  She was prompt and helpful.  Like any human being, she had her faults, biases, and RP favourites, but from what I saw she did her best to moderate fairly and give everyone opportunities.  She was nothing but understanding of my situation, and the only time she ever cracked down on someone was when they had a legit history of causing wank in the game.  I watched Elizabeth time after time give people first, second, and third chances, even when advised not to.

I legit know that Elizabeth is not the type to air her dirty laundry or flaunt her hardships, but if you honestly think she's slacking due to laziness or because she has an active social life, just because she hasn't given you the juicy details about her personal drama?  Wow, please go henceforth and fellate a donkey.  Those who accuse Elizabeth of not caring about Cheshire know nothing about her.  I've seen Elizabeth dedicate hours upon hours of her time to keeping this game in line; it's is her baby.  I'll vouch 100% that there is serious shit keeping her down, otherwise she would still be up and doing her best.

The behaviour of the mods in this game beyond what I know of them personally is currently unknown to me.  I know what I saw in the past, but any recent drama I am unaware of.  However, this extremely rude, group-dramaflouncing is... mucho immature, guys.  I mean, Christ, are you all prepubescent tweens?  The popular girl on the playground says she absolutely will not! play the game anymore, so everyone who wants to remain in her good favour throws down their dollies and follows suit.  Props to those of you who stepped out gracefully, but to everyone else?  Well, I really hope you grow up, and maybe even elect to give yourself the old reach-around and wiggle those dildos out of your asses, because I am not lying when I say they make your butt look mad fat.

It's been real, folks.  This is Judo, signing off.

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[22 Jul 2010|02:27pm]

I can't really say anything as it's all been said. It kind of tears me up to do this because I had such an awesome time here sans the stupid bullshit. But it seems since practically all my lines are gone and the mods don't give a fuck and ruined such a great place, there's no reason to stay and turn mourning into necrophilia. This place is dead and gone and should be buried. I'm sorry to those staying that I do have lines with, it's just not going to work.

With me I'm taking Carey, Shock, Sam, Pinky, Wolf, Itchy, and Mick. I just want the mods to know that you ruined a great place and I don't quite games willy nilly. It takes a lot and this. . . This was the straw that broke the camel's back. I hope you're proud of yourself, you just killed a great comm.
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[22 Jul 2010|02:21pm]

I'm going to try and leave as quietly as possible, because everything has already been said that needed to be. I'll be jumping on that bandwagon and saying my farewells with my storyline partners. I wish everyone good luck, and I do hope Cheshire may live on to get back to its full potential.

- Char
Buffy Summers, Amber Sweet, and Snow White
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[22 Jul 2010|03:12pm]

Y'know, call me a bitch if you want, call me a Jonny-lately on the bandwagon, but. I can't say anything more than Pixie has said, because she's written up the most eloquent expression possible. I'd go a lot cruder than that, but that just wouldn't be classy.

I think I've had it up to here. No more Angel, no more Harley Quinn, no more Dr. Marcase. I am sorry to everyone I'm leaving in a lurch (although really, most of my lines, I'm leaving with them.) and especially sorry to Ash/Dexter, because she's my girl and I adore her. But I'm sorry, sugar.

Remove all mine, please. It's been... something.
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[22 Jul 2010|01:02pm]

Yeah... I'm out too. I've never really felt welcome by the mods here... even after I asked if Eric could have Demi as a doctor, Elizabeth never IMed me or anything trying to scene with me. Only a handful of people made an effort to play with me on either of my characters, so... thank you to those of you who did, and I'm always available via email at readyalikeabook@yahoo.com if anyone wants to talk. But I'm removing Matilda and Eric. Thanks for the gaming, guys. Sorry the modding sucks, this game had a lot of promise which is why I joined.
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[22 Jul 2010|12:24pm]

Can't really say anything Pixie hasn't (applause on that, that was hardcore) but yeah. I'm out too. There are like five-six people who bust their asses and everything else is just there. It's tacky, tackier yet to be scolded five minutes after someone is co-modded.

Really, WITHOUT some suspending disbelief, would this even work? My experience in a mental hospital, and yes I have one, was one where I still laugh at staff incompetence in some places and applaud staff excellence in others, but it's really just silly for a game with this premise to randomly have issues with very specific little things and let others fly. I was the highest risk patient in my ward, on a random note. I managed to make it to my room with a number of things I could've killed people with, for example. People who work in these places hate their jobs, they aren't hyper-vigilant. In fact, I found it often took a huge disruption of Zyprexa/Thorazine administering levels to get much attention. And, as a random note, in my experience, people weren't allowed in each other's rooms period and doors were open 24/7. Yay open door policy!

A realistic psych hospital experience would involve 75% sleeping and 25% BP checks, medicating, and sitting in the common room being bored as hell (random note, the staff at Cheshire must be ENORMOUS). I don't even have any huge reason to go at this point but a general disinterest in how things will go in the future, because really, I was pretty happy about my many SLs :(

That means no more Cpt Jack Harkness, Nancy Downs, Dr. Lecter, or Spike, so rock on removing them. Peace folks. Sorry to those I'm leaving, much love and feel free to bother me anytime via IM! I still love you guys.
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[20 Jul 2010|10:18pm]

It's Mars and I am baaaack from Aruba <333 Missed playing with you all so much.

So Balthazar is now out of solitary! And also Anna and Rhys need some action too (not that kind of action, sheesh. (Well. Maybe Rhys)) because the poor dears are getting all pale and sickly from not enough play, goodness. So I have my charming asshole demon, the histrionic nympho and the schizophrenic angel chick for any interested parties. Yay?!

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[17 Jul 2010|08:57pm]


Lord have mercy, I can explain how much I have missed having my laptop. No matter how much I LOVE my iphone, updating journals, and threading is a bloody pain in the ass. It drives me crazy because I use all my fingers to type, but on the iphone I only use my thumbs. rofl. Enough about my drama, I have Tommy to thanks for explaining how to fix my proxy connection, too.

I am officially back, and running faster, and VIRUS FREE! HECK YEAH! I really want to apologize to everyone who put up with my ridiculousness. Also, welcome to all the new people who I haven't introduced myself to. I am sorry about that! I'm Brianna!

Anywho, all of my characters are totally up for plot! Hit me up on AIM: girly deadpool or e-mail: maynotbepure@aol.com!

xoxo, Brianna!
This OFFICIALLY effects: Lilo Pelekai ([info]sandwich_day), Charity Norman ([info]mad__cat), Martin Hastings ([info]marching_hare), Callisto Cyra ([info]chaotic_villain) and Perry Cox ([info]perry__cox).
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[17 Jul 2010|12:52am]

Just wanted to let you kids know, I'll be out of town for Saturday and Sunday this weekend, bu never fear. Back on Monday and ready to tag as usual. :D

This affects Door, Valerie, Robin, and Lukas.
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[16 Jul 2010|12:34am]

This is Angel with Doctor Hannibal Lecter! He's going to need patients, so, you know, anyone wants to bother, rock! Feel free to IM about plots or prod here or on my app post in the journal. Mwah folks!
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[12 Jul 2010|11:07pm]

Hello everyone! Trev again. Sorry for posting up here again, but I'm not entirely sure where we're supposed to ask about therapists. Thus, my quest for a doctor begins. I was wondering if any of our lovely doctors wanted to tackle taking on the Master and all of his crazy?

Or, if not, if I would be allowed to NPC a doctor by chance? I'd rather of course have some awesome sessions and the such with anyone up for taking him on.
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[12 Jul 2010|10:10am]

I'm really sorry to do this, but I am going to have to leave the game. My heart hasn't been in Cheshire for awhile now, and I haven't been around much to do tags or anything. I've been going through a lot of stuff in my real life, and it's incredibly hard for me to deal with right now, so I'm just not able to dedicate any kind of real effort to tagging and that isn't fair to anyone I play with. I love all of you, even the people I haven't played with, and thank you so much for making my time at Cheshire a really great one. I've had some amazing scenes here and met some wonderful people. Thank everybody so much for making me feel welcome. Especially thanks to Demi, Ax, Pix, Taryn, Lily and Anne, who got me through so much crap even if they didn't know they were doing it at the time.

As far as SLs go, in the books Weetzie's dad from New York killed himself and her mom fell to pieces, so I was just going to have her have to take emergency leave to go back to Los Angeles to take care of her mom in the wake of that. She would've given goodbye letters to her patients, Lita, and of course, Reid, who would've been incredibly hard to leave. Jareth would have maybe been transferred to another facility since his obsession with Sarah was part of why he was there and maybe the Powers That Be would realize having them under the same roof was a bad idea. I figure Laurie was released back into the custody of Sheriff Brackett in Haddonfield, Illinois and is waiting for Tristan's release so that they can be together... she probably writes him letters as often as she can and is going through physical therapy so that when he gets out, she's even better for him. And Noah's mother, wrought with guilt over signing her son in, would've come to pick him up and take him back home to continue letting him live with her and try to make a life for himself despite his handicap.

Thank you, everyone.

I love you all.


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[12 Jul 2010|03:53am]

Hello! I'm Jules, and I bring with me Ms. Clarice Starling from one of my favorite books/movies of all time, Silence of the Lambs.

All her lovely info can be found here, but basically she's a former FBI agent (even though she still thinks of herself as 'Agent Starling') with a stubborn streak and an obsession with hunting down and capturing a certain escaped murderer. Even though she has tons of issues, she refuses to admit that she needs help and fights as hard as she can to appear tough and collected.

Although she's a little socially awkward, she's not unfriendly - although her paranoia tends to kick in quite a bit, mostly around men, and by default she's suspicious of everyone until deeming them 'safe'. I'm always up for plot and even though I'm fairly new to RP in general, I look forward to playing with all of you! :) Feel free to bug me at supernaturalfangurl@gmail.com - and I'm currently in the process of setting up an AIM handle. :3
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[10 Jul 2010|11:31am]


Alright, two things!
1. I am going on hiatus-ish from July 12 to 20th, since I will be in Aruba helping my friend get ~sekritly married~. I may or may not have internet, but then again, I may or may not be drunk and sunbathing the entire time. So yeah, expect silences from Anna, Rhys, and Balthazar.

2. Balthazar, who is here on the false diagnosis of rage issues and intermittent explosive disorder, is HEAVILY overdue for some prime misbehaving to cement that diagnosis. Which means this weekend I think he is going to freak out on some orderlies and get sent to solitary for the week I am away (as Anne said, 'all the cool kids go to solitary!'). If you would like one of your poor characters, however, to be the centre of Balthazar's faked ire, comment here or throw me a line on aim at StrongbowandCake :3 It shouldn't be anyone who could actually put up a fight, I must say. He's not going to start anything with someone who could take him down in under three seconds XD

Anyway, I will miss you all terribly come Monday!
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[08 Jul 2010|02:00am]

Holy crap I'm still apart of this RP.

Uh, hello all! I'm Trevor! I once played Gideon, the Janitor and the Master!....

Most of you I seriously doubt will have any recollection, but I joined this RP a long while ago. As awesome as it was I ended up getting caught up in the whirlwind that is life, missing a lot of IMs and generally ending up overwhelmed and ditching the internet for a good few months before getting back on my feet. At that point of course I'd all but figured most had forgotten and I'd been removed from the RP and thus moved on in my adventures...

Obviously I discovered after poking back in here for a bit of awesome reminiscing I'm still actually apart of this wonderful place. I've been apart of other RPs and gained a lot more experience under my belt (as this was actually the first IJ RP I'd ever joined) so, while I expect no one to forgive me and know the mods have every reason to toss me out on my ass, I feel I should first apologize and beg forgiveness all the same. That was a really crazy point in my life and I've come fairly more reliable in regards to not dropping off the face of the earth for vast periods of times... And, as I actually still have these characters, I would love to play them out more here if at all given the chance under oath of not vanishing all over again. And...again really an apology to all those left hanging in those threads I left open as yes, I'm afraid I have become "one of those guys".

So yes, sorry once again to everyone, and totally understand if I'm not welcomed back, but I figure it's worth of course the shot for asking to once again return.

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[05 Jul 2010|02:48pm]

Considering apping a doctor or staff because I'm so active it hurts. Can't decide who though! Thinking maybe Hannibal Lector, Owen Harper of Torchwood fame, or Ben Kingsley's char from Shutter Island flick (I suck, haven't read the book yet) for a doctor but would LOVE suggestions. Any staff people want to see other than docs?
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[02 Jul 2010|03:08pm]

Hey, ladies and gents! This is just a head's up that I'll be away from the computer tomorrow and Sunday because of the holiday weekend, but I will return any tags that I miss when I get back Monday.

- Charisma
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[02 Jul 2010|12:58pm]

Since I'm in quite a few threads at the moment, and can't remember who I have and haven't told, this is just to say real quick that I'm working a ten hour or so shift tonight and a fifteen hour (yes, I know) shift tomorrow. I will very likely get off earlier than scheduled tonight but I can't really know until, well, that's happening. So officially, proper tagging will probably not be happening until about Sunday, after I have slept. A lot. <3

EDIT WHOOO I GOT RESCHEDULED to more human hours so never mind :3
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[02 Jul 2010|11:44pm]

Hey, everyone! It's Char, and I bring you Samantha "Snow" White, a charming (if strange a bit quiet) woman who, at heart, just wants to get better.

You can find all of her information here. Basically, Samantha's step mother poisoned her (the bitca!) and drug her out into the woods, assuming that Samantha would die. But alas, she did not, and she's been jumping from institution to institution ever since. Samantha has PTSD, Nightmare disorder, and Dendrophobia, which is the fear of trees and/or forestry.

I'd love to find some plot bunnies for her, so if you have any ideas, throw them my way!

- Charisma
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[01 Jul 2010|11:47pm]

Hello, it's Kel, with my second doctor, Dr. Marcase! He's from The Burning Zone, which is an amazingly good but very short-live TV show about ten or so years ago! He'll probably be my last character for awhile!
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