Wolf Dog Snake's Journal
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Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

    Time Event
    Pimpage: Lupin_Snape 5 Year Anniversary Challenge: SNUPIN SHOWERS
    With [info]tasogare_n_hime's permission (Thank you, our wonderful mod!), I present to you the following invitation...

    [info]lupin_snape is having a Five Year Anniversary Challenge: SNUPIN SHOWERS

    Condensed version:

    Here's what [info]lupin_snape's looking for - One person in charge of posting Lupin/Snape content on one assigned day in April.

    Content you can offer: discussion topics (retreads are fine!), essays, icons, recs, photos, photomanips, sketches, drabbles, ficlets, stories, full-blown art, link lists, craft projects, comparisons (what else reminds you of Snape/Lupin?), and then any other Snupiny post of which you can possibly imagine.

    Rules of a sort: One post on the day is fine; more is also fine if you're that inspired. Post sometime in the 24 hours on your day, no worries if you're in an odd timezone. Others may post at any time during the month; you don't have to hold back just because it's not your day.

    Sign-up for a specific day at the link above. If you have Remus/Severus anything you think memorable, special, shiny, extra smutty, please, drop by and/or spread the word!

    p.s. You all know that SS/RL/SB is allowed as long as Remus and Severus are couple there, right?

    And remember, the comm is on LJ as well as IJ!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: SImply Irresistable

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