
February 10th, 2016



No Subject

WHO: Owen Grady & Ken Amada
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: Scourge Strip Mall
WHAT: Per Claire's request, Owen goes to track down Ken.
WARNINGS: None yet
STATUS: In progress

It wasn't good. )



No Subject

WHO: Lydia, Isaac and possibly Malia and Stiles
WHEN: Wednesday:Evil Dead Plot Day 1
WHERE: Park and than Police Station hopefully
WHAT: Beginning of Evil Dead craziness.
STATUS: Closed/On-going

Evil Dead everywhere! )



No Subject

WHO: Captain Swan and Zombies
WHEN: Thursday!
WHERE: Nearby the police station
WHAT: Talking things out, bloodshed, killing nasty undead evil things, violence - you know, the shit perfect for <3 to <3 moments
WARNINGS: Campy gore
STATUS: In progress

They would guard and fight for what little home they had managed to make, even in the depths of sorrow and endless, cyclic frustration. )