
May 28th, 2014


Mary have mercy, now look what I've done

Who: Tyrion and Daenerys
What: An overdue meeting
When: After this conversation
Where: The Sleepy Hollow and around town
Status: Ongoing

But don't blame me because I can't help where I come from )



Come on teacher, tell me what's my lesson.

Who: Dean and Lisa
What: Lisa's not being herself again
Where: The Playground (and surrounding area)
When: Wednesday afternoon/evening
Warnings: Language, maybe some mild violence, creepy creepiness.
Status: Ongoing

Look right through me. Look right through me. )

Stranded in this spooky town...

Who: Hershel and OTA wandering around the astral plane
What: Hershel's lost.
When: Wednesday
Where: Around town, on the 'other side'.
Warnings: Feels and creepiness
Status: Ongoing.

Stoplights are swaying and the phone lines are down. )



Holy water cannot help you now

WHO: Marceline, Parker, and Pinkie Pie
WHERE: Worm's Wort Cemetery
WHEN: Wednesday
WHAT: searching for Pinkie Pie -- and whatever's possessing her
WARNINGS: possession, spooky demon stuff, creepy crawlies, blood, possible violence, and Pinkie-demon's starting to rot

See I was dead when I woke up this morning )



No Subject

WHO: Emma, Jefferson and Ruby
WHERE: Their Apartment
WHEN: Wednesday Morning
WHAT: Ruby and Emma figure out that Jefferson is most certainly not Jefferson.
WARNINGS: Creepiness, possession, stuff and things. Maybe violence.

was this over before, before it ever began? )