
May 15th, 2014


Sandcastles in the sand.

Who: Bar-man & Robin
When: Thursday 15th, Morning
Where: Sleepy Hollow Lobby
What: Barney almost maybe starts to grasp he isn't just in New Jersey, and tries to find Robin and what the french toast is going on.



No Subject

WHO: Emma Swan & Lavender Brown
WHERE: Sonahiem Square; around town center
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHAT: Looking for a place to lock up and be locked up; or something. ie. finding the Sheriff's station.
WARNINGS: Mild language?

A hybrid can withstand these things. My heart can beat with bricks and strings )



No Subject

WHO: Nina Price & open
WHERE: Sleepy Hollow lobby
WHEN: Thursday morning
WHAT: The werewolf walk of shame.
WARNINGS: Some language?

Nap time for werewolves. )