
May 13th, 2014


No Subject

Elena Gilbert & Damon Salvatore
Around town
Night of the 12th, after she arrives
Elena is in need of a good meal.
Hungry vampire, blood-sharing, lovey-dovey feelings, etc. Also, spoilers if you're not caught up in TVD

we come out at night. )



If I met you in a scissor fight, I'd cut off both of your wings

Who: Jefferson and Jamie
When: Backdated to Wednesday, May 6th
Where: Sew It, in Sonheim Square
What: Jefferson does Jamie a favor; an alliance is formed. Probably.

On principle alone )



stick to the books

WHO: Cosima Niehaus & Santana Lopez
WHERE: Library.
WHEN: 5/13
WHAT: Library is just another word for nerd magnet, that's what.
WARNINGS: mild swearing, references to illness, Orphan Black spoilers I guess?

Well, joke's on you, Sleepy Hollow Inn, because Cosima isn't paying for those peanuts, okay )

No Subject

WHO: daryl & elizabeth*
WHERE: the forest
WHEN: afternoon of 13 mat
WHAT: *this is kind of my shameless way of cheating and getting daryl's crossbow back, while demonstrating the extent of elizabeth's abilities within the town. im not sorry!!!
WARNINGS: none so far

acting on your best behaviour, turn your back on mother nature )