Witch Hour's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Witch Hour's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
    1:28 am
    Introducing Sarah Jones
    It was dark and the street was only iluminated by a few street lamps. Sarah felt a cool breeze against her skin and instinctively pulled her jacket tighter. But it felt like it was getting colder with each step she made. Or wasn't it the cold that made her feel uneasy? Suddenly she didn't feel so sure anymore. Maybe she shouldn't have walked home alone. It were only 15 minutes by foot from the party to her flat, but right now it seemed very far.

    Hearing a noise Sarah turned around and looked directly into the dirty face of a man. He quickly lunged forward and grabbed her bag. Had she been thinking about it she probably would have given it to him. She had barely any money in it and the other stuff could be replaced easily. She however didn't have time to think and instinctively clung to her bag.

    "Give it to me bith", the man snapped and Sarah could smell his foul breath that was mixed with the smell of alcohol.

    When she still didn't let go of the bag the man became angry and pulled a knife.

    Sarah stared at the knife that was coming closer. It seemed to be happening in slow motion. Her mind was screaming at her to run, but her feet seemed frozen. Closing her eyes Sarah let go of the bag and waited for the inevitable. But nothing happened. Opening her eyes again Sarah found herself in her flat. She blinked a few times and looked around surprised. The room was dark and only iluminated by the light from the streetlamps outside, but Sarah still knew where she was. She slowly walked towards the light switch and turned it on. Then she went over to her bed and sat down.

    Leaning against the wall Sarah pulled her legs against her body and lay her head onto her knees. Breathing in deeply she tried to calm herself down. This was another one of the inexplicaple things that had happened over the past few months. She didn't understand them, never even wanted to. She just wanted them gone. Accidentally jumping over a wall, jumping way too high while playing basketball with a few friends or suddenly finding herself home after she just wished she could already be home with the huge bag of groceries... and now this. She always tried to ignore what happened, hoping it was just a bad dream. Things like that couldn't happen, they weren't real. They only happened in movies. It scared her a bit and made her feel uneasy. But now she actually was glad about it. The man had a knife and was about to use it. She could have been hurt or even killed. But she was fine. She vanished and appeared somewhere else. Maybe the things that happened to her weren't a curse, but a blessing? Maybe she should try to find out why they were happening?

    Thoughts were still rushing through her mind when she lay down on her bed, still fully dressed, and closed her eyes.
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