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Wish Granted RPG

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[01 Apr 2013|12:25am]

WHO: Belle and Faith
WHAT: Belle arrives
WHERE: Somewhere close to the Anchor
WHEN: Day 10
WARNINGS: Mentions of imprisonment but nothing graphic? Will edit if needed

Rumple always said to be careful about wishing )

In which James and Gil wet their whistles and discuss things [31 Mar 2013|04:46pm]

Who: Gil and James
What: Having a drink and a chat
When: Day 9
Where: Ye Olde Inn
Why: They're thirsty?
Warnings: Probably none

Ho, ho, ho It's magic you know Never believe, it's not so )

The Wraith Hunt [30 Mar 2013|04:03pm]

WHO: The Doctor and any involved in hunting wraiths
WHAT: Wraith hunting
WHERE: Starting by the wagon in camp
WHEN: Day 11
WARNINGS: Possibly language
NOTE: If you want your character to take part but don't want to rp it out, please write what you expect they'll do and how they'll react to the cat-sized, rather ugly wraiths. At first the creatures will be elusive but eventually they'll be seen to look like this. Jot down the info under a thread header for your character(s).

Find those creatures )

Faith and Buffy talk it out [22 Mar 2013|09:55pm]

Who: Faith and Buffy
When: Day 9
What: they have some things to talk about
Where: near the Wraith pass
Warnings: TBA but should be just language

[21 Mar 2013|10:42am]

WHO: Tonks, Charlie, Silas, and Bill
WHAT: Arrival
WHERE: Somewhere close to the Spell Anchor and Wraiths Pass
WHEN: Day 9
WARNINGS: TBD, not expecting anything warning applicable

Read more )

Two Recent Arrivals in the Camp [16 Mar 2013|11:01pm]

WHO: Gil Holroyd, James Bond, the Doctor and ?
WHAT: Gil and James meet others
WHERE: Gryffin Valley just beyond Wraith Pass
WHEN: Day 7 evening, just after dusk following two others' arrival.
WARNINGS: tbd, not expecting much need for warning

Moving closer to the camp fire )

[16 Mar 2013|01:10am]

WHO: Spike and Buffy
WHAT: Talking. Or maybe just moving trees off the road. But probably talking.
WHERE: Ahead of the main group.
WHEN: Day 8.

Spike had been avoiding Buffy. )

[15 Mar 2013|06:07pm]

WHO: The gryffin and... Gemma
WHAT: Seeing a human who's not stone
WHERE: The woods near a stream
WHEN: Afternoon of day 8
WARNINGS: Maybe language?

here in warm flesh and bone )

[08 Mar 2013|12:45pm]

WHO: Aisling, Open to All (Feel free to just pop in for a quick reaction if you'd like, no need to consider this a commitment type thread. Also, I'm looking for roleplay for the weekend again, so after Sun Mar 10 don't expect anything.)
WHAT: One cold wolf.
WHERE: The campfire.
WHEN: Night 7, presumably

Even Aisling's wolf form, even her thick white coat of fur couldn't keep her warm. )

[05 Mar 2013|12:01pm]

WHO: Faith and Gemma
WHAT: Arriving
WHERE: close to the spell anchor
WHEN: Day 7
WARNINGS: Should be none, but Faith has a mouth on her

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