Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving for those celebrating it.

I won't be posting about day 23 until after Thanksgiving and those who have the time, there's the Day 22 occurrence to play with as well as catching up past threads --

Speaking of which, could you guys go me the favour of reminding me which of our threads you want to continue and finish so I can get back into the swing of rp. I'd appreciate it.

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Sunday, October 20th, 2013

My apologies for being late with posting about Day 22+. I shall finalise my ideas for the next sl(s) and write them out soon.

Meanwhile, that doesn't mean you guys shouldn't play! Yes, I know I owe some responses but I'm not the only one here with open threads, kids. (The request for a hiatus has been noted so this isn't directed in that direction)

Please rp. It might be slow but I'm certainly continuing the game. The Doctor needs the TARDIS. Tony needs his creations and Pepper. Emma needs Steed. We need rp to make life more creative!

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Thursday, October 10th, 2013

George Smiley was met by Harry not long after his arrival. Harry's going to introduce him around the inn after twilight on day 20. If anyone wants to meet him at the inn then head on over to the thread for rp.

This is one way to get characters into a thread from players who aren't inspired to play.
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