Saturday, August 31st, 2013

Day 19

Jaqen H'ghar is met by Arya Stark upon his arrival in Enchantia
The Hound arrives in Enchantia

Jamie Lannister calls a meeting and while they wait for it to begin
Tryrion admires Jamie's new hand
Bucky and The Doctor discuss Gil's disappearance
Bond and Holmes are there to humor the others
Ginny and Harry sit together
Sirius and Remus compare the journey to camping
Charlie, Dora, Hermione, and Bill settle in with some drinks
Lucius and Narcissa are planning on staying
Gemma takes a seat while Dany and Jon talk nearby
Steed and Peel join those that have gathered

When everyone is settled the meeting begins
Alec points out the need for scouts
Wanda makes a point to mention that medical supplies are a necessity
Albus Dumbledore requests to see the anchor
Lucius speaks his intentions of staying
Jaqen is wary of the group
Dora Tonks offers to help replicate ammunition for firearms
The Hound enters to listen
Bucky offers to help those who want to learn to shoot

Harry and Ron catch up
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