Friday, September 6th, 2013

Summary of the fire / lightning strike and aftermath on Day 20

Day 20 started with a bang at 2:15am. The spell anchor inside the tented cart, sitting near a tree at the edge of the inn's stable courtyard, was struck by lightning. There was a loud explosive sound and the anchor sent bolts back up into the clouds, three of them which blew holes in the thick grey clouds and dispersed the cloud cover. The blue and white striped tent caught on fire with the first strike. Bolts of retaliation from the anchor set the tree ablaze while blowing the main iron support ring of the tent up into the air. Gravity caused it to crash down to ground. Fortunately, no one was struck by it.

A lot of travellers were awakened by this drama. Wizarding folk extinguished the fire and some went to the tavern hall, where Gemma had set up to welcome folks for drinks of alcohol or Enchantia's equivalent coffee-like brew.

Later in the morning, breakfast is served (eggs, bacon, breakfast foods). For those who didn't witness the previous night's drama, they find the tree mostly burned and the cart/wagon of the spell anchor collapsed. Its wheels shattered away, leaving the cart bed flat on the ground. The tent is gone, taken by flames. There is no other damage.

There will be one more day at Roaring Fords Inn to find another wagon and just to make sure everything else seems alright with the horses, etc.

Remember that Dany has dragons and they're definitely present. They won't hurt anyone but they are only approachable by Dany, in case some aren't familiar with Game of Thrones fandom.

Most recent arrivals, Emma Peel [info]appealing_emma and John Steed [info]weir_needed joined the meeting (Day 19) called by Jaime Lannister and no doubt made some comments, at least introducing themselves so they will be known on sight by anyone at the meeting.

Sandor Clegane aka The Hound [info]birdsong_for_me also showed up for the meeting but he didn't introduce himself, choosing to sit away from others and drink himself into a drunken sleep.

Please add details or summaries about what your characters did at the early morning fire. Use the journals to record about the event or make comments if that's something your characters would do. Threads are always welcome too for the 20th day before the journey resumes the following morning.
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Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Day 19 -- Aug 15 - ? -- Roaring Fords Meeting at the Inn

Day 19 )
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Saturday, August 10th, 2013

Some notes:

I'm getting ready to set up Day 19, during which the group will have the meeting of strategy and organisation. Jaime was figuring the magic folk might be able to accomplish some needed things, maybe do something about making bullets for those who need them. Or stay a little while longer and make some at a smithy's?
  • Holmes and Hermione already have the idea of studying scrolls/books with attention to detail and maybe some could help them. Tyrion comes to mind. Bill can be bookish too. Will has offered to help Hermione with the scrolls.
  • One of the other concerns is making travel more comfy via magical means. Warming spells on the bedding, softening spells to spare backs, etc.
  • If it's canon for your character to attend, let's see their thoughts and reactions.
Also, a Remus Lupin was dropped. I picked him up [info]orb_boggart because I realised him turning to stone or vanishing would be too much of a distraction and problem for some of our sls, not to mention one of my major fandoms is HP.

There are also dragons now. Not the dragons of Enchantia which should show up somewhere along the trip but Daenerys Targaryen's trio as well as the Khaleesi herself, so be warned!

Last but not least, thanks goes to Christie for generously writing up the daily game summaries.

And everyone who's playing, you're brill!

Any questions, comments or suggestions?


ps: Not to worry, they won't be at Roaring Fords forever.

pps: For Gemma (and any other character liking vodka) -- does a wizard want to help Silas speed up the distillation process? EDIT Aug 10: And the volunteers are Tonks and Sirius! Thanks!
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