Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

late night day 21

I know I've been quiet today. I traveled between the scouts and the anchor and took a few pictures of the trail. I've been able to develop a few and have spelled them to my journal.

Click for photos )
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Saturday, September 7th, 2013

It looks like we're not leaving right away, so maybe this would be a good time to get some basic skills down, if anyone is interested in learning to shoot? First, can I talk to some of the magic people, to see what can be done about firearms and ammunition? I know some of us are armed. I've seen assorted weaponry here. But bullets aren't infinite, obviously, and we will need a reliable source.
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Thursday, August 8th, 2013

For those I haven't yet met, I'm Jaime.

I had a talk with Hermione about how we need to have a campaign meeting. My impression from what I see in the journal is that this group is moving ahead, greeting those who arrive in a happenstance manner, and go on from there. Perhaps those of us who are better at verbal communication should make most of the explanations. Perhaps we need to sort through some basic concerns as a group.

Since no one else has suggested this, I'll say a two o'clock meeting the day following the party. Attend, even if you don't feel like you want to say anything or contribute actively. This concerns everyone so you should at least listen because all of our futures matter here.

Would you please list your name after this, whether you are a wizard/witch or not, any talents you have which might be helpful here.

Let me start.

Jaime Lannister
Not magical
Served as a knight and military commander where I came from, therefore can ride, wield swords and daggers, used to living rough and hard travel
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Written Early on Day 18

Hey everybody,

There's a party tonight in the tavern. Should start around 5ish. There will be enough food. More than enough. There's booze -- ale, stout or something dark, whiskey, wine and -- sorry, still no vodka. I heard there will be music too.

So just show up.
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Friday, August 2nd, 2013


I apologize if I seemed a bit erratic in my previous entry. I've since calmed down thanks to the very kind Chris who helped me. My name is Wanderer. Please call me Wanda. I'm a Soul. I don't come from Earth, but I occupy a human body. Please do not be afraid of me. I won't hurt anyone, I promise. I just wish to learn more about this place and to perhaps see if my friends back at home are all safe. When I arrived here, we were in a most precarious situation, and I am terribly worried for them.

I don't mind answering questions if anyone might have them.
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Monday, July 29th, 2013

Please... where am I? I need Ian, someone please find me Ian.
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Thursday, July 25th, 2013

Okay, where am I? I was at Hogwarts, it was all cool... I mean, I was at school. And now I'm here. This is totally weird. Harry? Hermione?
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Saturday, July 20th, 2013

OMG. A TOWN. That is the best! I am going to enjoy being here, for however long that is!
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Monday, July 15th, 2013

How about that, I don't have to hunt. The crossbow can take a vacation. I wouldn't mind living here, thinking about it. But I guess whoever owns Roaring Fords won't just give it to me and why should they? I wonder how long they've been turned to stone.
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