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[Oct. 17th, 2010|03:51 am]

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WHO: Angelina Johnson and Padraig Montague
NPCs: Unhelpful clerk in the hitwizards office.
WHAT: Alicia's missing! Angelina puts in the complaint, but it's less than 24hrs.
WHEN: October 16
WHERE: Ministry of Magic!

'Listen, the regulation is that someone has to be missing for 24 hours before any sort of report can be made.' )
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Open like yo momma! [Jun. 26th, 2010|11:40 am]

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WHO: Angelina, Katie, English National Quidditch Team, and friends.
NPCs: Ned the ghost. (If you want to use him you can, he's easily scandalized and analretentive and likes to rant about what proper behavior in mixed company)
WHERE: Katie, Alicia, and Angelina's house.
WHEN: Saturday June 26
NOTES: People can tag in whenever and just have fun interacting!

It was a rather brilliant time for friends and celebration, and things were getting well underway. )
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[Apr. 14th, 2010|09:01 am]

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Who: George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, and a giant bottle of vodka.
When: Last Week, Backdated, after this and this.
Where: Angelina and Katie's Flat.
What: Getting drunk.
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

George felt like blowing something up. )
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[Mar. 24th, 2010|05:12 pm]

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Who: Roger Davies & Angelina Johnson
When: 22nd March, 1998 (Backdated - After this!)
Where: Alicia's/Angelina's/Katie's Flat
What: After spending part of the night in jail, Angelina and Roger wake up the next afternoon in her bed.
Rating: PG

Pausing, he cracked open his eyes again and encountered Angelina's face. )
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[Mar. 21st, 2010|10:08 pm]

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WHO: Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Fred and George Weasley, Roger Davies, Verity Weller and eventually Arthur Weasley
WHEN: Sunday March 21 (late late evening early morning of the 12nd)
WHERE: Paddington Green Police Station
WHAT: After days of people trying to get Angelina out of the house, Angie agrees. Going to a muggle sports bar, she drinks too much, gets angry, and gets in a fight. Fred and George have to get her out of the drunk tank...
RATING: PG-13 for this group's mouth
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed
NOTES: So we worked out that it would work with everyone sort of writing a narrative comment about how they made the muggle cops angry and ended up in jail for the night and them contacting the next person on the list. It'd end with Mr. Weasley having to come get them ALL. This way the thread doesn't go dead from too many people. An since it's just a few of us. I can probably email when it's your charries turn. :) Also, due to it getting buried, and no one even mentioning that it's happened yet, Dena said I could repost and redate it. AGAIN Reposted. Bette and Dena said I should.

Angelina had punched the bitch out, which got her friends up in arms, caused a bar fight, and led to her current predicament of sitting at the copper's desk as he took her slurred statement. )
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[Feb. 23rd, 2010|05:56 pm]
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[WHO] Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Angelina Johnson
[NPCs] Brian Johnson
[WHEN] February 23rd; just after lunch
[WHERE] Begins at the Ministry of Magic; ends up at Brian's place!
[SUMMARY] Katie got an owl back from Angie, so she's going to pick up Ali from work. The two are going to comfort their mate! <3
[RATING] PG-13 // angsty, sadness
[STATUS] Incomplete

Come here and cry on my shoulder; I'll hold you 'til it's over... )
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[Feb. 16th, 2010|09:10 pm]

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Who: Fred and George, and then later Angelina
What: Fred and George go to check on Angie's family
Where: Angie's family home, then elsewhere
When: Tonight
Rating/Warning: Gore, Death, etc.

Oh, we're supposed to go and check on Angie's parents. )
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[Feb. 16th, 2010|09:13 pm]

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WHO: Angelina and Roger
NPCs: ---
WHAT: Angelina goes to visit Roger at the shop, because she's been acting ridiculous.
WHEN: February 15, midday
RATING: TBD, probably not high
OPEN/CLOSED: Open to Roger

She just sat on the counter, cutting up with Verity, the twins, Roger... whoever was around. Hey, she did her job. She sat there, tripling their sales and pointed in the general directions things were in whenever someone thought she worked there. )
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[Feb. 8th, 2010|07:58 pm]

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Who: Roger Davies & Angelina Johnson
When: 6th February, 1998 (Backdated)
Where: London
What: There's some tension in the air as Angelina and Roger walk back to her flat after their date.
Rating: PG

'I don't know, what if I'm stalking George?' )
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[Jan. 2nd, 2010|06:47 pm]

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Who: Roger Davies & Angelina Johnson
When: 2nd January, 1998
Where: Angelina's & Katie's Place
What: Roger goes over to see Angelina and to get drunk.
Rating: PG-13

The Gryffindor thing could be forgiven, of course, but he'd never say that to her face. )
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[Nov. 28th, 2009|09:00 pm]

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Who: Fred and Angelina
What: Catching Up, talking about Brilliance!
Where: WWW
When: Today
Rating/Warning: TBA

It had been a slow day. )
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THREAD. Alica, Angie and Katie! [Aug. 29th, 2009|01:22 pm]

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WHO: Alicia, Angie and Katie.
WHAT: Pizza, ice cream, movie and chatter.
WHEN: Saturday evening.
WHERE: Their house.
--- )
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[Aug. 8th, 2009|11:54 pm]

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WHO: Everyone invited to the party.
WHAT: A party in order to celebrate Alicia's Auror training!
WHEN: Saturday night, 8 PM onward.
WHERE: The girl's house.
--- )
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[Aug. 6th, 2009|10:34 pm]

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WHO: Alicia, Angelina and Katie.
WHAT: Alicia is moping, maybe her BFF's can help.
WHEN: Friday evening.
WHERE: Their apartment.
--- )
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[Aug. 4th, 2009|12:49 am]

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Who: Roger Davies & Angelina Johnson
When: 4th August, 1997
Where: London
What: Roger and Angelina go out for a pint, except he uses his ninja skills to make it into dinner as well.
Rating: PG-13

He had no illusions about tonight. )
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Thread: Ang and George [Aug. 2nd, 2009|02:51 am]

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WHO: Angelina and George!
WHAT: Hanging out! Supposedly helping with inventory.
WHEN: Tonight
RATING: PG-13? For language and possible random topics of doom.

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