Who: Fred and George, and then later Angelina What: Fred and George go to check on Angie's family Where: Angie's family home, then elsewhere When: Tonight Rating/Warning: Gore, Death, etc.
Fred promised Angie he'd grab George and go over to say hello to her mum so that she could stop worrying. If he could think of anyone you didn't really need t worry about, it was the Johnson's - they never really got involved in much, and they weren't muggleborn or anything. But times like these, he figured if someone stopped answering owls for a few days their sprog were justified in sending out a party to check on them, just in case.
He wasn't too worried though, so he didn't rush. Just went upstairs, grabbed a beer, and flopped down on the sofa next to George when things were all locked up.
"Your hag wore pink again today. It might be the same thing she wore on Valentine's. Think she's washed, or is she just waiting for you to notice?" He looked at the telly for a second, then added, "Oh, we're supposed to go and check on Angie's parents."