Who: Severus Snape and Theodore Nott What: Checking up on the resident invalid Where: Goyle's hut, Hogwarts When: This afternoon Warnings/Rating: TBA
Severus wandered the school as little as possible, in general, particularly on weekends. Making himself too available never brought about anything but grief. Keeping to his office, or some secluded portion of the library, was a much better way to keep from becoming mired in trivial complaints, and he doubted he was very much missed by the rest of the school's population. He had always striven to seem distinctly unhelpful.
But with no pressing business and no urgent mail, and in a good enough mood after having a decent lie-in, he had decided to make an exception. It had been a while since he had checked in with Goyle and Nott, and seeing as they apparently required reminders every now and again that they did not have the run of the castle whenever they saw fit, he thought it would be worthwhile to go and have a word. If nothing else, it would serve to remind them that he was paying attention. No one should be allowed to get too comfortable.
Halfway across the grounds that separated the castle from the Keeper's hut, he caught sight of Nott in the garden. His mouth tightened a little. He'd have preferred Goyle, as he wasn't sure whether lucid conversation with Nott was possible at all, but perhaps he'd still be able to make an impression. He approached him without hesitation, pausing only briefly to wonder why on earth everyone had suddenly felt compelled to get a cat. He was sure he didn't really see the appeal.
"Nott," he said, flat, giving him a curt nod. "You must be faring better. You've been rather prolific lately." And all of it nonsense, naturally.