Alixandr Savage should be mental by now. (savagelaw) wrote in wished,
“It’s nice to meet you as well, Niki,” Alix amended, shaking his hand when it was offered. He wasn’t terribly concerned about being entirely proper with the intern prospect. He had a load of things on his mind, and he just wanted to figure out whether or not this would be suitable and get going.
“ But no, I do not work here, per say. I represent the owners of this fine establishment in court, and they’ve seen fit to overrun my office with their paperwork. Most of it I don’t even have any use for, but at least I’ll have it on hand,” he informed, still trying to assess his character by merely looking at him. He supposed even if he did hire him, if something went wrong, it would be no problem at all to terminate the employment. But he remembered what family he came from. It hadn’t been hard to find out what relations he had and quickly pick out that some of them had been Death Eaters that had either gotten out of Azkaban (probably unjustly) or still remained there (thankfully).
He wondered if Niki realized that he was supposed to be answering questions, not asking them, “Why do you want this job, Niki?” he asked, just because it was a question, and would hopefully put them on some sort of path of coming to a decision.