Who: Quentin Trimble (Narrative). Also, a duck and a dog. When: September 20th. Afternoon. Where: At the edge of school grounds. What: Contemplating. And practicing. Rating: PG13 for animal death. Status: Complete/Closed.
Quentin had two hours of down time between his last class of the afternoon and when he had to do duty to make sure the Ravenclaws all got down to the Great Hall for Dinner. He left the school to go for a run, as he hadn't had time for one in the morning (on account of deciding to sleep rather than get up and run before the sun). So he changed from the clothes he wore to teach in into a pair of comfortable black pants and a t-shirt and out he went.
He ran across the school grounds, long legs eating up land as he did. Finding himself so far away from the school was no surprise; that often happened during his runs. He found himself on the far side of the lake, among some trees - he couldn't see the school from there, with the trees blocking the view, but he knew it was there. Always there.
Quentin settled down onto the grass near the lake, drawing his wand out to hold onto, resting his hands against his knees as he lounged a bit before making the run back. The water was fairly calm, with no sign of the Giant Squid, who was probably off on the other side of the lake. The water barely moved, and merely reflected back the world above it.
A fluttering of wings broke the silence as a duck flew down from the sky to land in the water, settling in with grace, ruffling its feathers in grooming and nipping at itself before it contented to swim. Quentin contemplated the duck for a moment, watching as it left ripples behind. And then, suddenly, as if without forethought (although there was always forethought), Quentin flexed his wrist, pointed his wand and uttered a single word.
The effects were immediate as the duck twisted, its body going rigid for moments between the awful wrenchings, a choking wailing sound rising from its beak. "Silencio" he added for good measure, for there was no need for that awful sound. And then he sat, and watched as the duck twisted and writhed in silent pain. Until, unable to swim any longer, it sunk beneath the water, and soon enough, not even a ripple showed it was ever there.
Quentin watched this all rather impassively, his mind working. He had lowered his arm and was about to get up and run back to the castle, when the trees rustled and there was a soft whuffing sound. And seconds later, a little brown furry thing wandered out. A dog. A mutt of a brown dog that probably had some yorkshire terrirer in him. The dog looked at him curiously, with a doggy grin, tongue lolling out.
Watching consideringly as the dog padded forward - no collar or anything else on him to show ownership.
"Hello there," he said in an almost friendly manner. And then pointed his wand at the canine. "Imperio" he spoke with the precise wrist movement. The dog's eyes glazed over and it stopped moving - and then started again as Quentin waved his wand and directed the dog, guiding him about as a puppet. Making him run back and forth and then around and around in circles until he tired of the activity. And then he released the dog and got to his feet. He took a moment to kick off a shoe, and then to Accio it, so that that would be the last spell on his wand, and then put the shoe back on.
"Well," he said as he went over and picked the dog up, and held him aloft. "What shall we do with you, hmm? Come on then." And he held the dog in his arms as he started back towards the castle, as if nothing more unusual had happened on his run than finding a stray dog.