Who: Oriel Summerby and Maisie Cattermole. When: September 8th. Suppertime. Where: Maisie's ---> Restaurant. What: Supper and catching up! Rating: Low. Status: Complete/Closed.
Oriel always liked spending time with friends, and he seemed to be doing a lot of it lately, which made him a happy little thing. First running into Ellie - and then Alfie, who wasn't exactly a close friend or anything, but still a nice blike - and then seeing Rose last night. And now Maisie! And soon he would be hanging out with Natalie, so all was very good.
He headed over to Maisie's just a bit before suppertime. Dressed in a pair of skinny gray jeans, and a blue shirt with a blue thin jacket over top (all thrift store finds), he smiled at the thought of a nice supper out. At a place that had good vegetarian pizza, apparently, and that sounded perfect to him.
When he reached the flat he knocked and waited for Maisie to open the door. When she did, he greeted her with a bright smile. "Hi Maisie," he said, signing as he spoke, fingers forming the sign they had made for her name, and then he stepped forward to give her a hug.