Who: Severus Snape and Essery Oakby What: Chess. Where: Headmaster's office, Hogwarts. When: Backdated to August 31st, evening. Warnings/Rating: Probably none/low
He wasn't certain who had left this set behind, but doubted it had been Dumbledore. It hardly seemed whimsical enough. By the look of it, it might not have been enchanted at all; it was all perfectly plain black and white stone, and none of the pieces showed any sign of jumping to life and murdering one another. But then, there were probably plenty of things hiding away in this office that weren't what they seemed, and five years hadn't been enough time to make a thorough survey. It didn't seem to be cursed, in any case, so it would serve. He set it out without incident, lining the pieces up with a flick of his wand.
"You can go first, if you like," he said, with a faint smirk. "I believe that's the courtesy usually afforded the party occupying the disadvantaged position?" Not that he saw any cause to doubt her chess-related abilities - but she had set herself up for an unwinnable argument.