Who: Snape & Prof. Wiltingdon (NPC) What: Firing the Transfiguration professor Where: Hogwarts, Headmaster's office When: Today Warnings/Rating: Wibbling?
If he'd had his way, Severus would have sacked Wiltingdon in October. But staff had been turning over a little more quickly than was usual, in the past few years (completely attributable to outside factors, he was sure) and it looked poorly to switch in the middle of a term. He had managed to hold off until summer - until marks were submitted, even. A true feat of endurance. It had been with great anticipation that he had waited for the soon-to-be-former professor to join him in his office today, finally to put and end to his reign of wibbling incompetence once and for all. He even had a suitable replacement in mind - who, though she was cursed with a particularly obnoxious personality, was a capable scholar, and probably wouldn't allow her classroom to run riot quite as routinely as had Wiltingdon.
Now he fixed him with his most forbidding stare, and tried not to betray how much he was enjoying himself. "You had better pack your things," he said, about as lightly as though he were discussing the weather. "I'm afraid your services are no longer required."