Who: Fred and Verity What: Talking Where: Hogsmeade WWW When: Yesterday Rating/Warning: TBA, but big news
Every time Fred had gone into the shop the last few weeks, Midge had told him that Verity wasn't feeling well, or was out, or something or other and he was beginning to think that Madge or whatever her name was was lying. To him. And technically, he paid her, so that really wasn't fair at all. He knew that she'd have to be there if Midge was away, though, so he'd busied himself figuring out just who the girl was engaged too, and a well placed and confusing emergency owl from her 'fiancee' later, she'd left the shop early. Fred snorted a little about gullible Hufflepuffs, and watched through the window to be sure Verity was working, then came in.
"There you are!" He said, and his eyes tried to look over what he could see above the counter. He didn't notice any swelling... Maybe Hestia had it wrong. He'd been trying to convince himself since he told her that Hestia had had it very, very wrong.