Who: The Trio and Luna What: Meeting in Captivity Where: Grimmauld Basement Dungeon When: Backdated: After the Trio violated Taboo and was captured. Rating/Warning: TBA
The battle had been over quickly, too quickly. Hermione hated that she'd lost her wand, wasn't sure at all what she'd do, but she wasn't thinking clearly through how much the hexed had hurt. They'd been overmanned. It was a blur, now, thinking to what had happened. How had they found them? Taboo - the word kept turning over and over in her mind. They'd been stupid, forgetting.
Stupid. That was the word that she kept coming back to as they were unceremoniously dragged into Grimmauld. She'd taken comfort in this home before - to see it taken over by Death Eaters turned her stomach. What would Sirius say? And she was scared. They wouldn't kill Harry, and she knew that really was what mattered - they'd leave him for Voldemort, and he'd survive. It was what he did. But she and Ron, they were in real trouble if they couldn't find a way out of here.
There were dumped down the stairway into the basement of Grimmauld place, and it took Hermione's eyes a minute to adjust to the darkness. When they did, they went wide. "Luna?" She asked it, too loud, before she'd thought better of it.