Dec. 20th, 2008 @ 05:48 am What Tomorrow Brings, Chapter Seven
Current Mood: pleased

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: FRAO

Pairing: Willow/Giles of course! with a very brief mention of Willow/Kennedy (the skanky bitch)

Setting: AU Post-'Chosen'

Summary: Life after the destruction of Sunnydale. If you couldn't tell, I suck at summaries.

Spoilers: None

Status: WIP

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated. If you want to flame me, well okay; I have cattle prods. And chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine.

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