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Back January 3rd, 2008 Forward
Bridget [userpic]
Fandom: Multi-Fandom Crossover, [info]brimac13

Fandom: Multi-Fandom Crossover
Challenge Title: Crossing Dawn
Challenge Type (fic or graphics/art): Fic
Character(s) Involved: Dawn Summers (BtVS), various
Pairing(s) Involved:Dawn/Legolas (LotR), Dawn/Sirius Black (HP), Dawn/Connor (AtS), Dawn/Sam Winchester (Supernatural), Dawn/Jacob Black (Twilight)
Challenge Specs: Fic featuring Dawn Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossed with any of the following fandoms: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Angel (though, technically, it's not a crossover because it's in the same "universe", but Dawn never met Connor on either show...), Supernatural, Twilight, Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, or Heroes.

Wherein I get a little too specific... )

I don't care about the ratings (G to NC-17 are completely acceptable). Fics should not be longer than 10,000 words.

Please comment to this entry with your challenge responses.


Bridget [userpic]
Fandom: Multi-Fandom Crossover, [info]brimac13, Crossing Dawn

This is the masterlist for my Crossing Dawn challenge.


Back January 3rd, 2008 Forward