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Jul. 2nd, 2008


And The Darkness Peers Back, The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Link/Malon)

Title: And The Darkness Peers Back
Author/Artist: [info]sheikah
Rating: PG
Warnings: Nightmares. That's it really.
Word count: 723
Prompt: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link/Malon: darkness - he could still remember everything
Summary: "And so he would hold her close and pray to the Goddesses that this night would last forever."
A/N: Set during OoT, after the Water Temple

And The Darkness Peers Back )

Jun. 7th, 2008


What If I Never Knew You?

Title: What If I Never Knew You?
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
Rating: G
Pairing: Link/Malon
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Just borrowing, not mine

Summer was Link's favorite season. )

May. 13th, 2008


Title: Homecoming
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rating: G
Pairing: implied Link/Hena
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Just borrowing, not mine
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'Famous'

The Hero's heart simply could not be captured )


50drabbles table

new 50drabbles table )

Apr. 10th, 2008


Title: A Hero Defeated
Author/Artist: [info]sheikah
Fandom: LoZ: OoT
Pairing: Link/Malon
Theme: #3 - Jolt!
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, please to be not suing.

And yet, he stood before this infant child in utter defeat. )

Mar. 27th, 2008


Cut cause I can )


Title: Then Why Have You Come?
Setting: Final Fantasy X - Macalania Temple just before the fight with Seymour
Themes: 91. Hero(ine)
Pairing: Implied Seymour/Yuna
Rating: K+
Warnings: none really...but the word "murder" is in it. Also this is my first FFX fic in a looonnng while. So bear with me, I'm a bit rusty.
Summary: "...his talon like hand stretching out to her and his eyes spoke a silent invitation to join him in his madness."

For pyre_flies on livejournal.

Read more... )


Title: Why You Never Change
Author/Artist: [info]saami_chan
Pairing: Link/Malon
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
Theme: #1 - look over here
Disclaimer: Link, Malon, and LoZ: OoT is not mine. I simply use them for my amusement. Plz don't sue, kthxbai.

It’s stuff like this that makes you unforgettable )


Title: Falling Into Grace
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Rating: G, for chapter 1. Overall fic: Light R
Warnings: AU
Claim/Challenge: Multi-chapter AU/ Relationship development
Featured Characters / Pairings: Yuna and her guardians. Priest OC

Notes and Related Posts:
Discussion Post

Summary: Yuna and her Guardians are on their way to Kilika Temple. Yuna is contemplating her Pilgrimage, her new blond friend, and this mysterious new maester she has heard so much about.

Falling Into Grace [I] )


Title: First
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rating: G
Pairing: implied Link/Hena
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Just borrowing, not mine
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'First Glance'

He came into the fishing hole rather abruptly and tested his bobber fishing hook in the waters close by the dock )


50 drabbles table

Table for [info]50drabbles. My claim: Hena from Twilight Princess.

50drabbles table )

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