Wiccan Journies' Journal
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Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

    Time Event
    My new Best friend
    So today in my Nature in Writing and Culture course we were told to exchange our journal entries about a tree to try to show that everyone perceives things differently. I switched with a girl named Audrea we surprisingly had the same look at it. Spiritual, full of wisdom and advice. Like that oh so lovable willow tree in Pocahontas so after we talked awhile about the fact that we had such similar views we asked about each others actual spiritual background. She is a devote christian while I am a wiccan. I figured there would be an " I can't be friends with you." Or the classic lets try to convert her but instead I got. "That"s awesome I've always wondered about it not to convert or anything but just interested with a religion that alot of christian traditions come from. I almost said"Really" I have never heard someone who is so into God and all he stands for admit that some of the traditions they have came from a religion most of them hate. Well we talked some more and I explained the way I look at. She loved the fact that it's a very express yourself religion. We ate lunch which is the first time I didn't eat alone because of the stay away from the freak attitude most of my classmates held. My first friend despite being christian has turned out to be my best friend and I'm gloating to my grandmother as much as possible without annoying her.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: They Say- Scars on Broadway

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