Wiccan Journies' Journal
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Friday, September 16th, 2011

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    My Personal Journey
    I came to Wicca at a young age. My cousin had married (then divorced a year or so later) a woman who was a Wiccan and she was remained closed to our family. I had begun asking some questions after seeing her home and some of her ritual items so she agreed to teach me (with my mom's permission since I was a minor at the time). When I entered my first Circle, it was like coming home. I have never felt more comfortable than I did in the presence of the God and Goddess. The Lady who taught me eventually moved away but I continued to correspond with her and she guided me along my solitary path. I studied Wiccan tradition as a solitary for many years until my adulthood. Now I'm married and I have a child of my own. Due to recent events in our lives I've put teaching on hold but I think I may begin an online lecture series on Wicca through "go to meeting" or a similar forum. I recently attended something like it on Shamanism and it seemed to work very well.

    I do follow the Lord and Lady but when working magick I will often call upon a specific God or Goddess as they are that particular aspect of the Lord or Lady, just given a name.

    I would like to elaborate a little further but I have a class (not related to Wicca) that I will be teaching in just a few minutes so I've got to run for now.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Major Prayer needed
    Here's the count, My Uncle Mark went to the hospital with Necrotizing Faciatis(flesh eating disease) about a month ago. A couple days ago my Great grandmother was put in the hospital with a severe heart problem. Now my Dad was put in the hospital for internal bleeding from his ulcers. I have faith that the Lady and Lord have a purpose but both my Grandmother who I live with and me are put under great stress. Also Prayers for Fellinara's family. On another hopefully happy note I'm getting married. Of course I've kinda had my wedding in mind since I was 3. So planning has already begun.

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