Wiccan Journies' Journal
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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

    Time Event
    Being your self
    So far I haven't exactly posted the most but considering I have my first member I'll start writing again. I moved in with my grandmother about two months ago and I came out to my family about me being wiccan. When I started school my grandmother said to me, you'll make more friends if you don't tell anyone your wiccan till later. That was very hard for me to hear considering being wiccan is who I am. Well she was right so far I haven't made any friends in fact during lunch rather than sit alone I webcam with my boyfriend Ray. It may be dismal and very sad but, if no one will be friends with me because I'm wiccan then I don't want them to sit with me anyway. I have friends that would do anything for me and I have a boyfriend that would give the world to me if he could. Be happy with who you are and stay true to that person. Any friends you make while not beong you doesn't like you for who you really are.

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